Student Research Coaching

Mentoring of high-achieving, determined, and enthusiastic high school students committed to make the most of STEM research projects. Coaching can help you reach your potential through individualized plans over the course of a high school career or targeted at different stages depending on the length of your project. Similarly, material can be custom fitted to the support students are already receiving – from supplemental assistance if the student is in a developed research program to end-to-end coaching if the student is not in a school with research program resources.  

Group Coaching Sessions

3-6 students grouped by research experience:
Exploratory: Identifying a topic of interest, securing a research placement or developing a in-home project, professional development skills  
Intermediate: Developing ownership of a project, reading scientific literature, writing a literature review, references, poster and slide show feedback   
Advanced: Manuscript writing, preparing for and navigating competitions, manuscript writing guidance and feedback 

Poster, Slide Show, Research Paper Editing

Asynchronous proofing, editing, and formatting on research reports or presentations coupled with one-on-one feedback discussion sessions in-person or through online team meeting software. 

Package: One-Year Individualized Coaching

Packages include a full spectrum of services for the motivated high school student in one-on-one sessions. In-person and Zoom coaching is paired with guidance on manuscript (research paper) editing, oral presentation development, and competition preparation.

Hourly Coaching

One-on-one coaching in-person or through Zoom on all topics related to high school research in STEM fields.